
Official Bio

Dr. Ramon Goings is an associate professor in the Language, Literacy, and Culture doctoral program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He is founder of Done Dissertation® which helps doctoral students write and defend their dissertations in 1 year or less. Dr. Goings is the author of over 60 publications and subject matter expert on Black male student success and diversifying the K-12 teacher workforce.

RG About 1

As Seen In

RG For The Media 1
RG For The Media 2
RG For The Media 3
RG For The Media 4
RG For The Media 5
RG For The Media 6

Media Hits

Appearances, articles, and features on Dr. Ramon Goings.
RG Media Best & Worst States for Teachers

Best & Worst States for Teachers

RG Media Most & Least Educated States in America (2024)

Most & Least Educated States in America (2024)

RG Media Frustrated With Your Dissertation Chair

Frustrated With Your Dissertation Chair?

Inside Higher Ed
RG Media I’m Chairing My First Dissertation. What Do I Do

I’m Chairing My First Dissertation. What Do I Do?

Inside Higher Ed
RG Media “Be Willing To Do Things You Didnt Think You Would…” 4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast with Dr. Ramon Goings

Be Willing To Do Things You Didn't Think You Would

4 Fit Fatherhood Podcast
RG Media Bad At Math, Good With Money with Dr. Tamara Dias – Mastering Entrepreneurship Exclusive Interview with Dr. Ramon Goings, Founder of Done Dissertation

Mastering Entrepreneurship: Exclusive Interview with Dr. Ramon Goings, Founder of Done Dissertation

Bad At Math, Good With Money with Dr. Tamara Dias
RG Media BOBs in the Burbs Podcast – Taking Work from Daunting to Done with Renee and Ramon Goings

Taking Work from Daunting to Done with Renee and Ramon Goings

BOBs in the Burbs Podcast
RG Media Publish and Paid Podcast – Leveraging Your Professional Skillset to Grow Your Business with Dr. Ramon Goings

Leveraging Your Professional Skillset to Grow Your Business with Dr. Ramon Goings

Publish and Paid Podcast

Speaking Samples

RG Speaking Video Overlay 1
Dr. Ramon Goings Keynote at the #AAACE2021 Conference
RG Speaking Video Overlay 2
Stop Overthinking and Hit Submit


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