Tired of watching doctoral students at your university stall, struggle, and remain ABD?
As a dissertation chair, the pressure to guide students through their dissertations—while juggling your own workload—can be daunting.
In The FINISH System: A Dissertation Chair’s Guide to Supporting Doctoral Students From Start to Defense, Dr. Ramon Goings offers a lifeline to dissertation chairs seeking a clear, effective strategy for helping students FINISH their dissertations successfully. Drawing on his experience as both a faculty member and the founder of Done Dissertation—an organization that has helped over 150 doctoral students complete their doctoral degrees—Dr. Goings has developed the FINISH system, designed to address the very challenges that faculty encounter as dissertation chair.
In this book, you’ll learn how to:
Dr. Goings shares fourteen proven strategies that will help you navigate the dissertation process and finish in record time.
In this book you will discover:
Dissertating During a Pandemic: Narratives of Success from Scholars of Color examines the experiences of doctoral students of color writing the dissertation currently and those who successfully defended their dissertation after the onset of COVID-19 and subsequent shutting down of college campuses in March 2020. While we know that scholars of color experience many barriers to completing the dissertation process prior to COVID-19 such as being in racist academic environments and being engaged in research areas that may not be supported by predominantly White faculty, it is important to consider how scholars of color are managing the dissertation process during this pandemic.
We approach this book from an asset-based approach where chapter authors are approaching both the challenges and opportunities they have experienced due to being a dissertation writer during the pandemic. Chapter authors also provide poignant feedback on how professors can be supportive to their needs as dissertation writers.
This book is a compilation of manuscripts and studies that explore partnerships and strategies educators and educational leaders use to produce positive socio-educational outcomes for Black students in various contexts.
“Creating and Sustaining Effective K-12 School Partnerships: Firsthand Accounts of Promising Practices” is unique because it illuminates examples of effective school-community partnerships that foster positive student outcomes. “Creating and Sustaining Effective K-12 School Partnerships: Firsthand Accounts of Promising Practices” is intended as a practical text for committed educational leaders, at different professional points (e.g., practicing teachers, pre-service school counselors and teachers), who are eager to transform the current educational trajectory of Black children through interventions that show promise.
Covering key issues ranging from education to political mobilization to racial stratification, this book provides a comprehensive examination of the Obama Presidency.
The Ivory Tower is and can often be a lonely place for faculty of color. Social injustices run deep and are entrenched within academia. Faculty of color (FOC), more specifically Black and Hispanic, often lament about the `Black/Brown’ tax that frequently takes its toll both personally and professionally, and pushes them out of the academy.
In essence, we are an anomaly and the implications of this are clear and dire, as evidenced by persistent achievement, access, and expectation gaps within the academy.Scholars of color (SOC), at all stages, but particularly during doctoral training, frequently struggle to not just survive, but to thrive, in the academy.
Highlighting the voices and experiences of Black graduate students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), this book features the perspectives of students from a variety of academic backgrounds and institutional settings. Contributors discuss their motivation to attend an HBCU for graduate studies, their experiences, and how these helped prepare them for their career.
To be prepared to serve the increasing number of Black students with access to graduate programs at HBCUs, university administrators, faculty, and staff require a better understanding of these students’ needs and how to meet them. Addressing some of today’s most urgent issues and educational challenges, this book expands the literature on HBCUs and provides insight into the role their graduate schools play in building a diverse academic and professional community.
Goings, R. B., & *Boyd, B. (2024). The influence of the Sherman STEM teacher scholars program on persistence in STEM: A mixed-methods study. Education Sciences, 14, 1–16.
Carver-Thomas, D., Bianco, M., Goings, R. B., & Hyler, M. (2024). Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining teachers of color. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 32(59), 1–26.
Goings, R. B., & Hunt, M. (2024/2023). Black male adult learners in higher education: Examining their connection to spirituality and its role in their academic success. The Journal of Negro Education, 92(2), 241–256. Note: This article was published in 2024, but due to a journal backlog they placed it in a 2023 issue of the journal.
Bonner, F. A., II, Marbley, A., Flowers, A. M., Burrell-Craft, K., Jennings, M. E., Louis, D. A., Goings, R. B., Smith, S. L., Tilley, S. D., Garcia-Powell, B., Bolton, T. J., & Tarlton, E. L. (2024). Reconciling our strivings: the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) in Contemporary Contexts. Gifted Child Today, 47(1), 45–64.
Thompson, D. A., Virella, P., Goings, R. B., & *Kelly, K. (2023). Black women principals and expressions of culturally responsive school leadership during crisis: An exploratory study. Journal of Learning Teaching and Research, 17, 2–24.
Walker, L. J., Goings, R. B., Henderson, D. X. (2022). Unpacking race-related trauma for Black boys: Implications for school administrators and school resource officers. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education, 1(3), 74–88.
Walker, L. J., Morton, B. C., Goings, R. B. (2021). Creating a new paradigm: Utilizing podcasts to train aspiring and current school leaders. Educational Planning,(1), 23–33.
Goings, R. B. (2021). Introducing the Black male adult learner success theory. Adult Education Quarterly, 71(2), 128–147.
Goings, R. B., Walker, L. J., & Wade, K. (2021). The influence of intuition on human resource officers’ perspectives on hiring teachers of color. Journal of School Leadership, 31(3), 189–208.
Goings, R. B., & Lewis, C. W. (2020). Critically examining the trajectories of pre-service Black male teachers: Implications for teacher education programs. Peabody Journal of Education, 95(5), 449–455.
Sewell, C. P., & Goings, R. B. (2020). “I struggled but I made it”: Black gifted underachievers on transitioning to college. Journal of Advanced Academics, 31(2), 111–128.
Davis, J., Allen, K. M., Goings, R. B., *Watts, J., *McKay-Davis, B., *Thomas, A., & Parker, W. (2020). Investigating pre-service Black male teachers’ identity as men, teachers, and researchers through undergraduate research. Peabody Journal of Education, 95(5), 498–512.
Goings, R. B., & Sewell, C. P. (2019). Outside connections matter: Reflections on the college choice process for gifted Black students from New York City. The High School Journal, 102(3), 189–209.
Bonner, F. A., & Goings, R. B. (2019). Academically gifted Black males: An intersectional focus on achievement across the P-12 spectrum. Gifted Child Today, 42(3), 120–121.
Sewell, C. P., & Goings, R. B. (2019). Navigating the gifted bubble: Black adults reflecting ontheir transition experiences in NYC gifted programs. Roeper Review, 41(1), 20–34.
Bristol, T., & Goings, R. B. (2018). Exploring the boundary-heightening experiences of Black male teachers: Lessons for teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education. Advanced online publication: http://journals.sagepub.com/ doi/abs/10.1177/ 0022487118789367?journalCode= jtea
Goings, R. B. (2018). “Making up for lost time”: The transition experiences of nontraditional Black male undergraduates. Adult Learning. Advanced online publication: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1045159518783200
Shi, Q., & Goings, R. B. (2018). What do African American 9th graders discuss during individual school counseling sessions?: A national study. Professional School Counseling, 21(1), 1–9.
Goings, R. B., Bristol, T. J., & Walker, L. J. (2018). Exploring the transition experiences of one Black male refugee pre-service teacher at a HBCU. Journal for Multicultural Education, 12(2), 126–143.
Goings, R. B., & Ford, D. Y. (2018). Investigating the intersection of poverty and race in gifted education journals: A 15-year analysis. Gifted Child Quarterly, 62(1), 25–36.
Goings, R. B., Davis, J. L., Britto, J., & Green, D. (2017). The influence of mentoring on the academic trajectory of a 17-year-old Black male college sophomore from the United Kingdom: A single-case study. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1080/13611267.2017.1364853
Goings, R. B. (2017). Traditional and nontraditional high-achieving Black males’ strategies for interacting with faculty at a historically Black college and university. The Journal of Men’s Studies. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/1060826517693388
Goings, R. B. (2017). Nontraditional Black male undergraduates: A call to action. Adult Learning, 28(3), 121–124. (Online version published in 2015)
Henderson, D. X., Baker, A., Goings, R. B., & Gordon-Littréan, B. (2017). “Make you feel needed”: Exploring social connectedness in the experiences of suspended youth in the Boomerang Program, USA. Children & Society. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1111/chso.12210
Goings, R. B. (2016). (Re)Defining the narrative: High-achieving nontraditional Black male undergraduates at a historically Black college and university. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(3), 237–253.
Goings, R. B. & Bianco, M. (2016). It’s hard to be who you don’t see: An exploration of Black male high school students’ perspectives on becoming teachers. The Urban Review, 48, 628–646.
Goings, R. B. (2016). Investigating the experiences of two high-achieving Black male HBCU graduates: An exploratory study. Negro Educational Review, 4, 54–75.
Wright, B. L., Counsell, S. L., Goings, R. B., Freeman, H., & Peat, F. (2016). Creating access and opportunity: Preparing African-American male students for STEM trajectories PreK-12. Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(3), 384–404.
Goings, R. B. (2016). Supporting high-achieving nontraditional Black male undergraduates: Implications for theory, policy, and practice. Urban Education Research and Policy Annuals, 4(1), 9-16.
Goings, R. B., Mitchell, D., & Hilton, A. A. (2016). Embracing a multicultural perspective in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) higher education: From talk to action. Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(2), 102–106.
Goings, R. B. (2015). The lion tells his side of the (counter)story: A Black male educator’s autoethnographic account. Journal of African American Males in Education, 6(1), 91–105.
Goings, R. B., *Smith, A., *Harris, D., *Wilson, T., & ^Lancaster, D. (2015). Countering the narrative: A layered perspective on supporting Black males in education. Perspectives on Urban Education, 12(1), 54–63.
Young, M., & Goings, R. B. (Eds.) (In Progress). The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): Multicultural Perspectives from the Field. Teachers College Record. (TCR Yearbook 2018 publication date).
Goings, R. B., & Bonner, F. A., II. (Eds.) (2017). Disrupting the Narrative: High-achieving African American males in higher education. Journal of African American Males in Education, 8(1).
Goings, R. B., Hilton, A. A., & Mitchell, D. (Eds.) (2016). Multicultural Perspectives in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Higher Education. Journal for Multicultural Education, 10(2).
Goings, R. B., & Walker, L. J. (in press). Nurturing the scholar identity of Black males: Disrupting the myth of Black male inferiority. In F. D. Beachum, & F. E. Obiakor (Eds.), Improving educational outcomes of vulnerable children: Starting from the bottom. Svedala, Sweden: Oakleaf Books.
Ford, D. Y., Young, J. L., Wright, B. L., & Goings, R. B. (accepted). Honoring differences: Improving the representation of culturally different gifted students based on equity. In D. Sisk, B. Wallace, & J. Senior (Eds.), SAGE handbook on gifted education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Walker, L. J., Goings, R. B., Spencer, D., McDonald-Lowe, S., & Palmer, R. T. (accepted). Embracing change: The importance of pluralism at historically Black colleges and universities. In C. Newman, A. A. Hilton, B. Hinnant-Crawford, & S. Platt. (Eds.), Multicultural education in the 21st century: Innovative research and practices. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Walker, L. J., & Goings, R. B. (2017). Historically Black colleges and universities role in preparing professional students for the global workforce. In T. F. Boykin, R. T. Palmer, & A. A. Hilton, Professional Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Past Trends and Future Outcomes. New York: Routledge.
Walker, L. J., & Goings, R. B. (2017). A dream deferred: How trauma impacts the academic achievement of African American youth. In N. Finigan-Carr (Ed.), Linking health and education for African American students’ success (pp. 3-12). New York: Routledge Press.
*Hollis, T., & Goings, R. B. (2017). Keeping the dream through the CARE model: Examining strategies to bridge the gaps in education among urban youth. In W. T. Pink, & G. W. Noblit (Eds.), International Handbook of Urban Education (2nd ed.) (pp. 888-905). The Netherlands: Springer.
Ford, D. Y., Whiting, G. W., & Goings, R. B., Robinson, S. A. (2017). Culturally different students in special education: Issues, theories, and recommendations to address overrepresentation. In M. T. Hughes, & E. Talbott (Eds.), Handbook of research on diversity in special education (pp. 131–148). Boston: John Wiley.
Ford, D. Y., Whiting, G.W., & Goings, R. B., Alexander. S. N. (2017). Too much, too little, but never too late: Countering the extremes in gifted and special education for Black and Hispanic students. In K. Fasching-Varner, L. L. Martin, R. W. Mitchell, K. Bennett-Haron, & A. Daneshzadeh (Eds.), Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the prison-to- school pipeline (pp. 21–42). New York: Lexington Press.
Goings, R. B. (2016). The transformation from student to scholar through RACE mentoring. In M. Trotman Scott, D.Y. Ford, R. B. Goings, T. Wingfield, & M. Henfield (Eds.). Race mentoring through social media: Black and Hispanic scholars share their journey in the academy (pp. 3–11). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ford, D. Y., Whiting, G. W., & Goings, R. B. (2016). Biracial and multiracial gifted students: Looking for a grain of rice in a box of sand. In J.L. Davis, & J. L. Moore, III (Eds.), Gifted children of color around the world: Diverse needs, exemplary practices, and direction for the future (pp. 121–135). United Kingdom: Bingley.
Palmer, R. T., Walker, L. J., Goings, R. B., *Gipson, C., *Troy C., & Commodore, F. (2016). Contextualizing graduate education at historically Black colleges and universities. In R. T. Palmer, L. J. Walker, R. B. Goings, C. Gipson, C. Troy, & F. Commodore (Eds). Graduate Education at historically Black colleges and universities: A student perspective (pp. 1–14). New York: Routledge Press.
Palmer, R.T., Maramba, D. C., Ozuna, T., & Goings, R. B. (2015). From matriculation to engagement on campus: Delineating the experiences of Latino/a students at a public HBCU: Implications for practice and future research. In R.T. Palmer, R. Shorette, & M. Gasman (Eds.), Exploring diversity at historically Black colleges and universities: Implications for policy and practice (pp. 67–78). New Directions for Higher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Goings, R. B. & Walker, L.J. (2015). [Review of the book Raised up down yonder: Growing up Black in rural Alabama, by A.M. Howell]. The Journal of Negro Education, 84(4), 609-610.
Goings, R. B. (in press). Don’t our participants deserve more?: Reflections from one member check. Commission on Community, Minority, & Non-Formal Education Newsletter.
Goings, R. B., & Bonner, F. A., II. (2017). High-Achieving Black Males in higher education: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of African American Males in Education, 8(1), 1–5. (Editorial)
Goings, R. B. (2016). What if Leo didn’t have a Dr. Goings in His Life? Advocating against the over-referral of Black boys into special education. DDEL Voices, 6(3), 7. Available Online: https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/SPED/93b2239a-b8b1-43e2-bca7-a6ded35ad39a/UploadedImages/DDEL%20VOICES%20Volume%206%20Issue%203%20.pdf
Walker, L. J., Palmer. R. T., & Goings, R. B. (2016). HBCUs offer a great return on investment for graduate students. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education (Summer 2016 issue).
Goings, R. B. (2015, November 25). 5 Strategies for Surviving and Thriving During Your Dissertation. Inside Higher Ed. Available Online: https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2015/11/25/how-survive-and-thrive-during-dissertation-process-essay
Walker, L. J., & Goings, R. B. (2015, October 22). New regulation could impact teacher ed programs at MSIs. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. Available Online: http://diverseeducation.com/article/78537/
Goings, R. B. (2015, September 17). Diversifying the STEM teacher workforce in Maryland. Education Week. Available Online: http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2015/09/response_what_universities_are_doing_to_recruit_teachers_of_color.html
Goings, R. B. (2015, August 7). Increasing the representation of African American medical doctors: A call to action. The Edvocate. Available Online: http://www.theedadvocate.org/increasing-the-representation-of-african-american-male-medical-doctors-a-call-to-action/
Goings, R. B. (2015, June 2). Ensuring non-traditional Black student success at HBCUs: A researcher’s reflection. Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) Unplugged. Available Online:http://msisunplugged.com/2015/06/02/ensuring-non-traditional-black-student-success-at-hbcus-a-researchers-reflection/
Goings, R. B. & Gasman, M. (2014, November 9). The future of HBCUs may rest on adopting a growth mindset. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. Available online: http://diverseeducation.com/article/67828/
Goings, R. B. (2014). The mindset of Black excellence: Reframing the narrative on Black education. The Young Black Experience Magazine, 5, 24-26.
Goings, R. B. (2014). #Eduplift: Supporting Black male educational excellence. Living Education eMagazine, 17-20, (Invited).
Goings, R. B. (2013). Response to supreme court decision on voting rights act. U.S. Department of Education Blog. Available Online: http://www.ed.gov/edblogs/whieeaa/2013/08/response-to-supreme-court-decision-on-voting-rights-act/
Goings, R. B. (2017). Baltimore County Public Schools Office of College and Career Readiness Male Mentoring Program evaluation.
Goings, R. B. (2017). Teach to Lead Ignite Principal Coaching Program Evaluation.